How Do I Get Energy Fast? 7 Quick Tips.

Tired man with his hand to his headSo you woke up this morning after a not-so-great night of sleep, or you just feel a little sluggish today and are wondering “how do I get energy fast”? Here are some quick, but effective, tips to put a little pep in your step right away–and they are all natural.

1. Take A Cold Shower.

It’s best if you can incorporate a cold shower into your morning routine, but you can always indulge anytime of day (assuming you work at home or can get to a gym during the workday). Start out with the water warm and gradually decrease the temperature, allowing your body to adjust. Once the temperature is cold (I mean COLD) try to stay in the stream for 30 seconds. That will wake your ass up.

2. Eat Something Already.

A healthy snack can do wonders as a pick-me-up. Try to make sure to opt for a combination of proteins and complex carbs. Try a small can of tuna with crushed crackers, pumpkin seeds or avocados. Good sources of magnesium like nuts, almonds, or peanut butter are also great for quick energy.

3. An Apple A Day…

Now an apple won’t necessarily give you the jolt of can of diet Coke or a cup of coffee, but it has lots of fiber and natural fructose to help regulate energy during the day. Keep a couple handy at your desk.

4. Drink Water.

No surprise here. I know, water is boring, until you need it and you don’t have any. Lack of energy can also be the result of dehydration, so drink some water to boost energy.

5. Open the curtains.

Let some sunshine in the room. Sunshine equals Vitamin D, and Vitamin D helps us feel better and gives us energy. It’s not complicated.Sun shining through window

6. Take a Power Nap.

I personally love this tip. A twenty-minute nap in the early afternoon does wonders for me. Some days I need two. Power naps can have really beneficial effects on energy during the day.

7. Vitamin B-12.

Technically, Vitamin B-12 doesn’t give you energy, but a B-12 deficiency can cause sluggishness–even anemia. Vitamin B-12 helps to convert protein and fat into energy, so…

For longer term solutions to increase energy levels, include a healthy diet and exercise to your routine, which we discuss at As always, we welcome your questions and comments. Please feel free to give us your feedback below.

3 thoughts on “How Do I Get Energy Fast? 7 Quick Tips.”

  1. Thanks for the list of suggestions. I do take some time to get revved up most mornings. and these are some things I’ll try.

    Except for the cold showers!

  2. I agree with all that most importantly, add a stretch for every minute about age 40, i.e. 55 will require a stretch of 15 minutes in the morning…

    Anthony Alexander, M. D.


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