What Does Overwhelmed Mean? How To Cope.

Toy PlatypusAm I Overwhelmed?

What does feeling overwhelmed mean? And are there steps we can take to overcome it? The Collins dictionary defines overwhelm as a feeling that affects us so strongly that we don’t know how to deal with. It can also describe the feeling when presented with large amounts of information or stimuli. Unfortunately, “overwhelmed” can sometimes be an adjective, describing us when we have faced so much that we can’t cope at that moment.

In real life, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as everyone experiences overwhelm differently. However, there are some signs that we may be overwhelmed, like feeling constantly stressed out, feeling like we can’t catch up, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing physical symptoms such as head or stomach aches. If any of these symptoms are present, it may be time to take a step back and take a careful look at the situation.

A little research on the internet will reveal that there are a number of things we can do to help reduce the feelings of overload. Some popular alternatives include talking to a licensed therapist, confiding in trusted family or friends, keeping a Woman with hands covering face speaking to woman friendjournal, meditation, mindfulness, and other relaxation techniques.

But, first things first. How do we recognize that we may be feeling overwhelmed? Here are some more signs:

  • Irrational Thoughts–We may find it hard to think rationally, which could make issues seem bigger and our ability to deal with it seem smaller. This can include struggling with decision-making or brain fog.
  • A Temporary Freeze Response–May make us feel like we can’t take action or perform a task–even postponing important tasks or trying to avoid them altogether.
  • Overreaction–We may have an overly drastic reaction to minor stresses. For instance, misplacing car or house keys may cause panic. Signs like moodiness, frequent crying, being easily agitated and avoiding social contact can also be tell-tale signs.
  • Withdrawal–We may find ourselves withdrawing from friends and family or avoiding social situations because we just don’t feel like being around people or explaining that which isn’t easy to explain.
  • Pessimism–Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can be a sign of overwhelm, and its likely that we can feel like things won’t/can’t work out as we desire.
  • Feelings of Exhastion–constant lack of energy or tiredness can be a sign of chronic stress.

So, How Do I Cope With Overwhelm?

These can be trying times, balancing work, family, and inevitable change. It is understandable to feel overwhelmed and burdened when we have taken on more than we can handle. It is perfectly normal to experience feelings of guilt, anger, or sadness. But, there is good news. Though it takes some effort, and certainly is not easy, there are strategies to help us cope and reduce the feelings of being overwhelmed. man in yellow chair speaking to therapist in yellow chair

First things first, it’s important for people who may be experiencing these kinds of symptoms here to seek help from a licensed health care provider.

A licensed therapist (or other health care provider) can help identify the sources of stress or overwhelm. We can take steps to supplement professional help, like:

  • Talking with trusted friends or family
  • Scheduling regular breaks during the day
  • Regular Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Focused Walks

Taking time out for ourselves will not only reduce feelings of overwhelm, but it can also improve overall well being. Remember, we have to be kind to ourselves, even when it’s much easier said than done. Although it’s not always possible to completely eliminate all stress, we can do our part to ensure that we are not overloaded at the most crucial times. We have to take advantage of our time and resources, and remember that we are certainly better off when we take care of ourselves.

As always, we create and curate content to be helpful to our readers at Betterlifeafter50.com, and we hope you found this information to the point and useful. We invite your feedback. Please feel free to leave comments below.

3 thoughts on “What Does Overwhelmed Mean? How To Cope.”

  1. I found this article very helpful and informative. These are great strategies he suggested for dealing with and overcoming overwhelming feelings. Feeling overwhelmed can be frustrating and paralyzing, as it makes you feel unable to cope with the challenges you face or the tasks you need to complete. I can relate to your experience of using meditation and self-control to manage overwhelming situations, especially when you are alone. I have been practicing meditation for a few months and I find it very helpful to calm my mind and fight overwhelming feelings. I also try to control my thoughts and emotions by using positive affirmations and gratitude. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us.

  2. this article provides helpful tips on how to cope with feeling overwhelmed and offers practical solutions to help reduce stress and anxiety. You offer insightful advice on how to prioritize tasks, practice self-care, and seek support from loved ones. Overall, this article is a valuable resource for anyone who is struggling with feelings of being overwhelmed and looking for effective ways to manage their stress levels. I will definitely share this.

    • Thank you Pasindu for your comments. It’s like tuning a piano in a sense, you have to regularly adjust…we all do.


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