Can Hypnosis Help Build Confidence?

Man and Therapist in SessionAlmost all of us has been plagued with low self-esteem or struggled with confidence at one time or another. I’m over 50–well over 50–and some days it seems like I’m behind where I should be. I should have way more money in the bank, already written a great screen play, and traveled the world. But, I digress.

Can hypnosis help to build confidence? The quick answer is yes. Hypnosis is a great tool, among several, that can help to build self-confidence. Hypnosis can also help many people cope with stress and anxiety, overcome phobias, quit smoking, and manage pain.

Why does it work? It’s an effective tool because it works with the subconscious mind, allowing us to exert greater control over unconscious responses to internal and external conditions. Simply put, hypnosis is a way of changing how we are hard-wired.

Okay, let’s take a step back. What exactly IS hypnosis? The technical term for utilizing hypnosis to change behavior is hypnotherapy. Here is what it is–a changed state of our awareness, coupled with (sometimes very deep) relaxation in which we are more open to suggestion. Some research refers to the changed state of awareness as a trance, while others prefer the designation of deep concentration. Either way, the suggestion we want to be open to, is changing our behavior or our responses to situations and circumstances in our lives–building confidence.

Hypnosis to build confidence will likely require regular practice, where you will have to put in some effort to step outside of your ordinary mindset and visualize a confident self. It is not likely to work if you do not agree with the suggestions. You will have to do some self-reflection and positive self-talking. If you have any negative or embarrassing memories in your past, consider sharing this with your health care professional to help break the cycle of negative thought patterns, and to use past experiences to create new behaviors of confidence.

Most people engage a health care professional in guided sessions using relaxation techniques and visualization. However, there is a growing acceptance around self-hypnosis. If you’re looking for self-hypnosis programs, there are several options like Grace Space for instance. This site has hypnosis sessions, downloads, and apps to help you improve your confidence. (By the way, has no affiliate or other relationship with Grace Space) You can even book a session online.

The best part of hypnosis to build confidence is that it can be a fun, exciting, and empowering experience. It’s a great option to boost confidence and change your life for the better. As always, we hope readers of Better Life After 50 find this information helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback below.

4 thoughts on “Can Hypnosis Help Build Confidence?”

  1. After my marriage of more than 38 years broke down during the pandemic, I lost a lot of self confidence and seem to be doubting myself on many occasions. I have been looking at ways to increase my self confidence, and was wondering if hypnosis might help, so it is great to find that hypnosis can indeed improve confidence. 

    I will explore the option of self-hypnosis first, to see if that might be helpful, so thank you for sharing these ideas and resources. 

  2. Up until today, I was unaware that hypnosis could boost self-confidence. I’m curious about this and want to learn more to feel more confident.

    I appreciate you sharing this.


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