How To Stay Healthy After 50 | Quick Tips

middle age man and woman preparing dinner while smiling

It’s true what they say about good health…if you have it, you have everything. With good health, the possibilities are still endless… to write that great American novel, travel, cook, love, and live. Now that we are over 50, we want to keep good health, and even though it takes a some doing, here are … Read more

How Can I Avoid Burnout?

man in red hat holding his head down.

Is there really such a thing as burnout? The short answer is, yes, and it’s more prevalent than you might think. Many of us have seen and read reports of Workplace Burnout, especially during and since the height of the COVID-19 crisis. McKinsey and Company have even labeled it the Great Exhaustion.  But what we … Read more

Brain Waves And Stages | Think About It

human brain against purple background

First off, what ARE brain waves? Well, they are essentially electrical voltages in the brain that move back and forth, or oscillate. These electrical voltages, or brain waves, can actually be measured. That is, our brains emit energy, real energy, that can be measured in units of hertz (hz), just like other electrical energy. This … Read more

What Does Overwhelmed Mean? How To Cope.

Yellow toy platypus laying prone

Am I Overwhelmed? What does feeling overwhelmed mean? And are there steps we can take to overcome it? The Collins dictionary defines overwhelm as a feeling that affects us so strongly that we don’t know how to deal with. It can also describe the feeling when presented with large amounts of information or stimuli. Unfortunately, … Read more