Does Tru-Niagen Really Work?

Product: Tru-Niagen

Price: $115 for 90-Day Supply

Cheapest Pace to Buy: Amazon

Supplement Type: Vegetarian Capsules

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Review of Tru-Niagen

Does Tru-Niagen work? If you don’t want to read through the entire review, here’s the skinny: yes, I found Tru-Niagen to be very beneficial. If you want to know why, here’s a quick review and a short read.

Before writing this review, I cycled through two (2) orders of Tru-Niagen. Both were 90 day supplies, separated by a few months. I wanted to get as true of a read as I could as to its effectiveness (on me) in order to give readers quality wellness information and the best review possible. And though this site is an Amazon Affiliate and we earn from qualifying purchases made through links on this page, we do not write sponsored posts, ever. Below is my honest review after using the product.

Man performing squats outdoors

Tru-Niagen is a health supplement that claims to help people feel younger and healthier by using its’proprietary blend of ingredients. Since I am now over 50 (by more than a little bit), I wanted to see if this could help improve my energy levels and, hopefully, a little weight loss. The product was first introduced in 2013 and has since become one of the top-selling health supplements in the world. I guess it takes me a little longer than most to try new things.

I also have to admit that I am a big fan of Shannon Sharpe, an NFL Hall of Famer, who at one time was a pitchman for the product. It was one of his commercial spots that first brought Tru-Niagen to my attention.

Tru-Niagen is mostly used by people over 35 who are looking to increase energy and improve overall health. The label reads “Clinically proven to increase NAD”. This takes about 8 weeks. NAD is a co enzyme found in our cells and gives us energy. Most of the alternatives to Tru-Niagen are NAD+ and NR supplements. It is marketed as being safe and effective with no unpleasant side effects.

=>Learn More About the Benefits of NAD<=

The main ingredient of Tru-Niagen is Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). I had no idea what this was, but a quick google search identifies NR as a form of vitamin B3. Some reports show that NR helps promote cellular health, reduce cell aging, and improve mitochondrial function–all of which could help improve energy levels. There are also clinical tests that show NR can be beneficial in tackling age-related diseases and other health concerns.

Tru-Niagen also contains resveratrol, a nutrient that has anti-inflammatory properties. The benefits of resveratrol include cardiovascular and brain health, immunity support, reduced inflammation, and improved cognitive function. It is also found in red wine. Red wine? Okay, I had to try this stuff.

My Experience

First off, Tru-Niagen is not cheap. It costs about $115 for a 90-day supply, but you can sign up for a subscription and receive a discount. I chose the subscription and canceled the first cycle before reaching 90 days. This was really in order to see if I felt any differently after 3 months. I took the recommended dosage of one 300mg pill per day. (The company also offers a 100mg size to allow new users to ease into building up NAD.) Over the first week or so, I didn’t notice any difference in my energy level (or mood, for that matter) that I can recall. But by the second week, I started to notice I had more energy in my weight training routine and that I seemed to recover a little faster. Overall, I would say I experienced some increase in energy, though it was not earth-shattering.

By the end of the third week I saw real improvement in my ability to exercise and weight train. At no time did I experience any side effects, but that was about the time that my gains started to plateau. I continued to use Tru-Niagen until my supply was exhausted, and then I cycled off to see how I would feel without it.

Initially, I did’t feel any different, but over the next few weeks or so I noticed that my energy had started to wane a bit. I didn’t make as many gains during weight training, but in full disclosure, I was being a bit lazy. Maybe that was because I wasn’t using Tru-Niagen, but I can’t say for certain. And by the way, I didn’t lose any noticeable amount of weight at all. That is completely fair, since the product doesn’t claim to be a weight loss supplement. I was just hoping to kill two birds…

On my second cycle, my experience was largely the same. That is, after a couple of weeks, I started to feel some more energy and I noticed more tone and definition after my workouts. Again, this was not life-changing, but I honestly felt that Tru-Niagen was beneficial again, with no side effects. Probably most important was the fact that I felt better on the second cycle than I did on both the first cycle AND the off cycle. It’s likely that the build up of NAD in the body is cumulative, and that my body still had residual amounts from the first cycle. In any event, I felt more energized.

The Bottom Line

Can Tru-Niagen help and does it work? I found it to be beneficial and expect it will be for most everyone if:

  • You have realistic goals and don’t expect miracles
  • You give the product time to work, about 6-8 weeks
  • You know your body and how it works

Overall, I found the supplement to be a high quality product for people looking to stay healthy and feel younger. It does what it promises. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I will continue to cycle on and off of Tru-Niagen, but it has earned a slot in my regular supplement rotation.

We welcome your questions and comments. Please feel free to leave your feedback below.

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9 thoughts on “Does Tru-Niagen Really Work?”

  1. The article on Tru Niagen and its potential impact on aging was well-researched and informative. Personally, I have used this product and experienced its benefits in several areas. It has boosted my energy levels, improved my sleep quality, and helped me maintain a youthful appearance. The scientific explanation behind the product’s effectiveness is fascinating, and I appreciate having a natural solution to combat aging.

    Moreover, Tru Niagen is easy to consume. It contains natural ingredients such as pomegranate, blueberry, and acai berry extract, making it delicious and enjoyable to take. It’s like a nourishing smoothie for your cells!

  2. In my opinion, the efficacy of Tru-Niagen can vary depending on the individual and their specific health needs. While some people may experience noticeable benefits from taking Tru-Niagen such as increased energy and improved cognitive function, others may not see any significant changes. It’s important to keep in mind that supplements are not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. I recommend doing your own research and consulting with a healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your daily routine.

    • Thank you for your comment Akumendoh. Always consult a healthcare professional and as the article points out, it was effective for me, but that does not guarantee everyone will have the same results.

  3. I’m glad to see that tru-Niagen seems to help, as I was in doubt because of the expensive cost. I have seen others also commenting that it does give them some more energy, although not spectacular. But any kind of improvement for my current energy level would be fine honestly, as I am struggling with fatigue lately, so I will give it a try thanks!

  4. I am always skeptical about supplements, especially boosters of any sort. Energy, better sleep quality, weight loss effects, etc. But the way you explained your own experience was really genuine, I really liked how you examined the product yourself and gave detailed information about the progress.

    The thing that made me want to search more now about the product is how you tested what it does if you stop using it. I thought this was an amazing part of the experience.

    I am going to give it a look, as it is the first time that hear about it from you. Thanks a lot.

  5. Hello, my friend. I appreciate that you provided a comprehensive overview and it was so readable that you shared your experience with us. Well as you said it is expensive but I think it is worth trying it. Personally, I think I should try this product. Thank you for sharing this great topic.


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